Completed Courses & Coursework:

CS 252 - Systems Programming

Development of 3 large-scale projects involving low-level systems software:

  • Memory Management Software (Implementing GCC's Malloc)
  • UNIX Shell Software (Lex and Yacc Parsing)
  • Simple HTML Server
  • The course was taught in C, and covered advanced concepts for programming in C and UNIX environments.

    CS 290/390 - Competitive Programming

    Solved 30+ problems, at least one from each problem set:

    CS 307 - Software Engineering

    15-week full-stack project developed in a group of 6 peers. Functioned as Scrum Master, and implemented:

  • Login/Signup functionality, user data model stored in Profiles
  • Chronological timeline, post and comment data model
  • Stylistic consistency and UI design
  • CS 352 - Compilers

    7 biweekly projects to implement increasingly advanced compilers:

  • Implemented Intermediate Representation, Function Hoisting and Closure Conversion
  • Optimized High-Level and Low-Level Value Representations
  • Built a Virtual Machine with Implicit Memory Management (Garbage Collection)
  • The course also taught several topics not implemented in projects, such as
    Register Allocation, Instruction Scheduling, Object-Oriented Languages and JIT Compilation

    CS 390 - Great Issues in Computing

    Explore relevant topics in computing such as privacy regulations, AI, cyberattacks and misinformation:

  • Weekly 500-word assignments on a specific computing topic
  • Case study paper on the Edward Snowden relevantions and their significance today
  • Research paper on the future and limitions of AI
  • MA 261 - Multivariate Calculus

  • Planes, lines and curves in three dimensions
  • Differential Calculus of multiple variables; multiple integrals
  • Introduction to Vector Calculus
  • MA 265 - Linear Algebra

  • Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra
  • Determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors
  • Diagonalization of matrices, applications
  • PHIL 303 - Early Modern Philosophy

    Wrote 3 papers about topics related to Early Modern Philosophy:

  • Reasons to accept Rene Descartes' initial dream argument
  • Refuting Spinoza's determinism
  • George Berkeley and the power of Inductive Reasoning
  • EAPS 105 - Planetary Science

    Explored my interest in astronomy and planetary science:

  • Formation of Solar Systems, Stars and Planets
  • Discussion of Volcanism, Atmospheres, Plate Tectonics
  • Comparison of our Solar System's Planets
  • COM 217 - Technical Presentation

    Course designed to teach proper science communication and technical presentation:

  • Improv projects to practice simplifying jargon - "Explain like I'm 5"
  • Discussing relevant topics in our field to non-expert audience
  • Capstone group project choosing a topic outside our areas of study
  • SPAN 280 - Latin American History

    Discussion-based class about the history of post-Columbian Latin America:

  • Lessons on culture, perspectives, social movements and economics in the Global South
  • Persuasive paper articulating differences in the Latin-sphere and Anglo-sphere from a Critical Lens
  • Research paper about American perspectives on the nation of Colombia
  • Courses in Progress:

    CS 351 - Cloud Computing

    CS 381 - Advanced Algorithm Analysis

    CS 408 - Software Testing

    PHIL 231 - Religions of the West

    PHIL 301 - Ancient Philosophy